A Few Gotchas About Going Multi-Cloud with AWS, Microsoft Azure and HashiCorp tools.

Reading Time: Approximately 11 minutes.

One of the more interesting types of work we do at Contino is help our clients make sense of the differences between AWS and Microsoft Azure. While the HashiCorp toolchain (Packer, Terraform, Vault, Vagrant, Consul and Nomad) have made provisioning infrastructure a breeze compared to writing hundreds of lines of Python, they almost make achieving a multi-cloud infrastructure deployment seem too easy.

This post will outline some of the differences I’ve observed with using these tools against both cloud platforms. As well, since I used the word “multi-cloud” in my first paragraph, I’ll briefly discuss some general talking points on “things to consider” before embarking on a multi-cloud journey at the end.


Provisioning VMware Workstation Machines from Artifactory with Vagrant

Reading Time: Approximately 1 minutes.

I wrote a small Vagrantfile and helper library for provisioning VMware VMs from boxes hosted on Artifactory. I put this together with the intent of helping us easily provision our Rancher/Cattle/Docker-based platform wholesale on our machines to test changes before pushing them up.

Here it is: https://github.com/carlosonunez/vagrant_vmware_artifactory_example

Tests are to be added soon! I’m thinking Cucumber integration tests with unit tests on the helper methods and Vagrantfile correctness.


Getting Into DevOps.

Reading Time: Approximately 13 minutes.

I’ve observed a sharp uptick of developers and systems administrators interested in “getting into DevOps” within the last year or so. This pattern makes sense, too: in an age where a single developer can spin up a globally-distributed infrastructure for an application with a few dollars and a few API calls, the gap between development and systems administration is closer than ever. While I’ve seen plenty of blog posts and articles about cool DevOps tools and thoughts to think about, I’ve seen fewer content on pointers and suggestions for people looking to get into this work.

My goal with this article is to, hopefully, draw what that path looks like. My thoughts are based upon several interviews, chats, late-night discussions on reddit.com/r/devops and random conversation, likely over beer and delicious food. I’m also interested in hearing feedback from those that have made the jump; if you have, please email me. I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories.


Wiring up Docker on Windows to Ubuntu on Windows

Reading Time: Approximately 1 minutes.

Getting docker running on Ubuntu on Windows is pretty simple. After installing the Docker Windows engine and restarting, run this in a bash session to bind the two together:

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://

Pop this into your .bashrc and never think about it again.


Start small; move fast

Reading Time: Approximately 4 minutes.

Seinfeld wasn’t always the heavily-syndicated network cash cow it is today. The hit show started as an experiment for Jerry and Larry David. They wanted to write a show to describe the life of a comedian in New York, namely, Jerry’s. Despite Jerry’s limited acting and writing experience, they wrote their pilot in the late 1980’s and sold it as “The Jerry Chronicles,” which NBC made its first national appearance of on July 1989.

I’ll spare you the details, but eventually the crew found their beat and, shortly afterwards, historic levels of success. but I will say this: every episode of Seinfeld was based off of, and written by, a personal story from someone on its writing staff. Compared to the sitcom-by-committee shows that prevailed during the time, this was a small, but drastic, change that eventually made its way into the mainstream. (For example, every cast member on The Office, a favorite of mine, wrote their own episode; some more than once.)


Winning at Ansible: How to manipulate items in a list!

Reading Time: Approximately 3 minutes.

The Problem

Ansible is a great configuration management platform with a very, very extensible language for expressing yoru infrastructure as code. It works really well for common workflows (deploying files, adding authorized_keys, creating new EC2 instances, etc), but its limitations become readily apparent as you begin embarking in more custom and complex plays.

Here’s a quick example. Let’s say you have a playbook that uses a variable (or var in Ansible-speak) that contains a list of tables, like this:


Sleep better with two simple shortcuts.

Reading Time: Approximately 4 minutes.


Control + ⌘ + Shift + G Home button triple-click.


Exposing ourselves to bright screens at night while checking our Facebook feed or reddit posts might not be as harmless as it seems. Tons of research, like this and this suggest that viewing things on bright screens right before bed makes our brains think that we’re in daylight longer than we actually are and, consequently, prevent us from falling asleep sooner than we should be. This combined with our early-start culture has been shown to lead to fatigue, decreased concentration and, in some folks, depression.

Additionally, other research has shown that prolonged exposure to artificial light (like those in most offices or our phones) can, over time, damage our eyes’ ability to adjust to incoming light and weaken their sensitivity to it.

I didn’t notice any of this until a Slashdot post introduced me to Flux several years ago. Before using this application, I was usually tired and sore (I rode my bike much more often back then) most of the time, but didn’t think much of it. I went out often back then, and most of the people I came across were just as or more tired than I was, so I thought I was fine.


You're a better engineer than you think.

Reading Time: Approximately 4 minutes.

I was quite surprised to discover that thousands of people were members of the “Imposter Syndrome” Google+ group within my first month at Google.

I always thought that getting into Google was probably the best social proof of “making it” that an engineer could receive. The interview process is hard, gruelingly technical, relatively unforgiving and riddled with rollercoasters; many incredibly talented Googlers had to go through the process two or more times before getting in for good. (I went through it twice…sort of.) The engineering talent at Google is nearly limitless; many of the world’s most formidable and accomplished computer scientists, sysadmins and software engineers work or worked at Google doing all sorts of things.

So imagine my surprise when literally tons of engineers join a group expressing how they feel as if they aren’t good enough to be at Google or working alongside people with Wikipedia articles written after them. Perhaps it was a big joke that completely went with my head, but given the many, many internal jokes made about not being good enough to be a Googler that I came across (mostly thanks to Memegen), I had my doubts.


A completely neutral post about containers.

Reading Time: Approximately 8 minutes.

  • Edit 2: I’ve made a few small changes to the way I’ve described Docker architecture. Thanks, /u/jmtd!

  • Edit: I mentioned below that Docker containers can only run a single process. While that is true by default, it is actually not the rule. You can use Docker Supervisor to manage multiple processes within a container. Here is how you do that. Thanks, /u/carlivar!

Fact: There are at least 22 conversations arguing about the usefulness/uselessness of containers happening right now. For every person arguing about them, at least three blog articles will shortly appear telling you why containers are going to be bigger than the Super Bowl or how they are the worst thing to happen to computing since web scale became a thing.

This short post will not be any of those.

I believe in using the right tool for the job and I hate fads. I’ve also been learning about containers for the last few months and am becoming incredibly interested in figuring out how to bring them to Windows 2012 and below (Windows Server 2016+ will have them, but Microsoft will be lucky and probably scared if they saw anything above 20-30% uptake within its first two years), so here’s a short post describing what I’ve learned about them, how they work, and why they might or might not be useful for you and/or your business.


Concurrency is a terrible name.

Reading Time: Approximately 4 minutes.

I was discussing the power of Goroutines a few days ago with a fellow co-worker. Naturally, the topic of “doing things at the same time in fancy ways” came up. In code, this is usually expressed by the async or await keywords depending on your language of choice. I told him that I really liked how Goroutines abstracts much of the grunt work in sharing state across multiple threads. As nicely as he possibly could, he responded with:

You know nothing! Goroutines don’t fork threads!

This sounded ludicrous to me. I (mistakenly) thought that concurrency == parallelism because doing things “concurrently” usually means doing them at the same time simultaneously, i.e. what is typically described as being run in parallel. Nobody ever says “I made a grilled cheese sandwich in parallel to waiting for x.” So I argued how concurrency is all about multithreading while he argued that concurrency is all about context switching. This small, but friendly, argument invited a few co-workers surrounding us, and much ado about event pumps were made.
